Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Michaels Mission Call

I just figured I would start posting on this blog today, cause my brother just got his mission call. For those of you who don't know he will be serving for two years in Hungary. Our entire family is so excited. He will be leaving September 10th. The only problem with this is that we will not see eachother for four years after he leaves, because he will be returning September of 2010, and I will be leaving for my mission hopefully that same year at the beginning of the summer.

1 comment:

Definitely Dancers said...

Hooray!!! 1st post!! and first comment!! Wooo!
I miss you (by the way)
make sure you keep writing on this mister, pretty please?
my blog is definitelydancers.blogspot.com
Hooray blogging!!! :-D

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