Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Summer

The summer just started!!! Yesterday I had to go in for my last final because I wasn't able to take it on Friday. I have been working as a lifeguard and will be for the rest of the summer. Every day that I am in town, I am working(except for Sundays) fun. This summer I am going to Green Bar(leadership camp), EFY, and a week in Florida with some friend. Besides that it is work work work.


Definitely Dancers said...

Hey Buddy!!!!! I am SOOOOO excited that you are going to EFY! You are going to LOVE it! Anyways, I miss ya...can't wait to see you soon.

Karon said...

Apparently, my brother has a blog that I never knew about. I've linked it to my blog, so now you better update it all the time! I love the pictures of prom. You are sooooo handsome!

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